Homeless Outreach - PATCHES Program

Proactive Approach to Combating Homelessness in El Segundo

PATCHES (Proactive Approach to Combating Homelessness in El Segundo) is a comprehensive initiative aimed at addressing homelessness with compassion, while also maintaining public safety and cleanliness across the community.

The program is a cross-departmental effort, managed by the El Segundo Police Department under the guidance of the City Manager’s Office, and uses a progressive enforcement model that prioritizes offering shelter and services before any enforcement action is taken.

ESPD officers and the PATCHES team members are trained to provide unsheltered individuals with information and guidance about available resources, offer transportation to shelters, and provide ongoing support at each point of contact. This model ensures that individuals are given multiple opportunities to accept assistance before any penalties are imposed.

Help Someone Experiencing Homelessness

If you have an emergency, dial 9-1-1.

Do you see someone experiencing homelessness? Think someone might need support? See an encampment in El Segundo? Please let us know.

Integrated Approach
Community Response
Progressive Enforcement Model